Did you receive a New York DWI or DWAI?
Below you will find links to pages containing detailed information about various DWI and DWAI charges in New York. We have written the articles below to help our prospective and current clients gain a better understanding of the charge(s) they may be facing and give some basic examples of how we might defend them. Hopefully, this info will provide some insight into the process for a DWI in Ithaca, NY and the surrounding areas. We hope that by reading the articles below the prospect of a criminal charge will be a little less scary.
The information below does not answer ALL questions. We encourage you to call us directly at 607-229-5184 or request a free consultation if you have questions about anything below or want to discuss your specific situation.
DWI & DWAI Resources
Specific charges
General Articles
Request a Free Consultation
Fill out the following form and one of our experienced attorneys will contact you in the next 24 hours to provide you with a free consultation.
“I’m able to have the life I have today due to Mike’s dedication to providing the best possible defense.”